

茶道文化茶小二2024-09-17 17:00:0868A+A-


Tea culture originated in China. China is the hometown of tea. It is said that tea drinking in China began in the Shennong era, at least for more than 4700 years. Until now, the Han people still have the custom of using tea instead of ceremony.茶文化起源地为中国。


It can clear the bowels,Moisten mouth and so on.There are various kind of tea.such as Tieh-Kuan-Yin,Pu-erh .Some is cheap while some is expensive.Tea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world.在中国,茶的地位等同于西方国家的咖啡。大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶。

We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并已形成了中国茶文化。


1、我相信大多数中国人如果写茶在唐朝很可能会很直白的写成“Tea in Tang Dynasty”,这里面就有比较大的文化差异。如果你按照我们中国人的写法去写标题,老外看到了以后有可能会误以为这一篇文章是讲茶这个植物在唐朝的特点,会觉得也许在那个时期的茶植物和现在的茶有区别。


3、of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of Chinese tea has a history of more than 4700 years, and it has been spreading all over the world.中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发源地。中国茶的发现和利用已有四千七百多年的历史,且长盛不衰,传遍全球。




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